Weekly prize
Here we are. After a week of hard work, content gathering, promos hunting, information filtering, you guys will be rewarded accordingly!
You can constantly check your position in the ranking, based on your approved number of submissions. If you see you’ve fallen behind, there’s always a way to recover and get back on top. Simply refresh the page to get the accurate view! The $100 total prize will be split among the first 4 users, accordingly.
On the left side of the page you will also find last week’s top 4. Please note the total amount per week can vary, but there will be a max of 60 approved submissions per day on average.
*In case first or second place will have more members in a tie, the prizes will be manually reviewed accordingly.
Enjoy and good luck!
1st liam1352, 71 - $34.88
2nd Tony18, 61 - $17.44
3rd ballanaresh, 60 - $10.46
4th limacoca9, 48 - $6.97
Prize Terms
50% first prize (minimum amount granted will be $50, if the minimum is not reached, we will still credit accordingly)
25% second prize (even though not reached, we will consider as minimum granted $25)
15% third prize (even though not reached, we will consider as minimum granted $15)
10% fourth prize (even though not reached, we will consider as minimum granted $10)
E.g Let’s consider the total weekly prize is worth $120, in which case the prizes will be the following:
1. $60
2. $30
3. $18
4. $12
In case there will be a tie, we will calculate prizes as in the below example:
1. 60 points – will receive 50% of the total prize, as it is the sole member on first position, he will be rewarded the total % accordingly
2. 55 points – will receive 20% of the total prize value
2. 55 points – will receive 20% of the total prize value
4. 48 points – will receive 5% if the total prize value
4. 48 points – will receive 5% of the total prize value
*due to the tie, there is no third position, so members ranked on second position will split the percentage usually assigned to rank #2 and #3, that is 25% + 15% = 40%, split in two results in 20% each)
* same rule applies to rank 4, in this case both members will split the 10% left